126 families helped

  • $23,956 given


“My son LOVES robotics. I know that getting him into a club would help him as he progressed in school, but with 4 kids, sometimes I just cant swing the extras. Getting chosen to receive a partial scholarship actually allowed me to send 2 of my boys to robotics camp for a week. They had so much fun. “


25 families helped

  • $15,435 given

“I don’t use the tinkrCARE program, but I know how hard it was when I was a single parent years ago. Knowing that my donation helps a woman like me makes me feel like I am actually making a difference. I even got to meet the family I was helping. I feel like I am part of the reason her kid is succeeding. “


“Without the tinkrCARE support, I don’t know how I would have covered childcare for my son. That extra $65 a week that I got help with made all the difference for me. I am able to go to work knowing that he is safe and receiving the education he needs.”

-Mom of 3 year old • Utilizing the tinkrCARE Program